Country Weekly Articles
Check out the current issue (16 Sep 2003) of Country Weekly. Aaron is included in a couple of articles with a couple of nice photos. Go to the News Of Note and there is a short clip titled, 'Aaron's So Smart' accompanied with one of my all-time favorite photos of Aaron. If you have been to one of Aaron's show this year, your will get a knowing chuckle. Then, Aaron is included in an article titled, 'The Truth About Men.' I'm sure you will love the photo of Aaron that is included with this article. Enjoy.
The previous issue (02 Sep 2003) of Country Weekly included an article on Aaron titled, 'Bean Country.' I apologize for not informing you about this issue earlier. I'm sure most of you who read Country Weekly regularly probably have had the pleasure of seeing this article already; I hope so. It includes one of Aaron's Mama's recipes, Homestyle Corn Bread, and talks about Aaron favorite low-fat, protein-and-carbohydrate-rich favorites: Pinto Beans.
It's Been Great, I've Had The Best Time
Please Note: I am not abandoning this site, merely cutting back for the time being
I have had the best time the last 10-12 years traipsing around this great country of ours to go to Aaron Tippin shows. Aaron's music and shows, in my opinion, are rivaled by no one. He is, without a doubt, the best. Not only have I had the pleasure of seeing the best, but I have had the opportunity to meet the best fans in the world, coast to coast. I have made some great (and hopefully, life-long) friendships that never would have happened had it not been for Aaron and his music. Thanks, guys.
However, nothing stays the same. Life is full of choices. I have loved every minute that I have given to doing this Aaron Tippin website and would not trade that time for anything. However, this site also takes a very large time committment. I have decided I never want to be, if possible, an employee again. I am already involved with one fairly successful venture, I am half-owner of a small trucking business. I am in the process on trying to get a second venture off the ground, but I am finding that I really need to commit my time to it if I'm ever going to make it work. Sadly, I am not going to be able to devote as much time to either this website or going to shows. I have no intentions of completely abandoning this site (I love doing it); my updates will just not be quite as regular for the time being. For now, I will try to maintain and update the tour schedule and news. I also have photos from 7-8 shows that I will eventually add.
Please check Aaron's Official Site: often for updates. I have been told that Aaron's Official Site will soon be in the process of a major renovation, so make sure you check his site often. Information can also be found on Aaron's record label site, Lyric Street Records: In addition to official sites, there are also several informative unofficial fan sites available that you might want to check out.