25 FEBRUARY 2003
Aaron Tippin ~ Tour Schedule
There have been tons of tour dates added to Aaron's schedule. I've added the dates with as much venue information as I could find. Aaron will be on the West Coast a bunch this year. I know all you West Coasters will be excited about that. I hope y'all will be able to catch a show or two, but I know how vast the West is (although I am an East Coaster, my sister and brother live out West, Nevada and Wyoming, respectively). Aaron is also returning to Alaska this year. I know he's excited about that; he loves Alaska.
I know this is the time of the year when tour schedules are being planned, confirmed and dates released. I don't want you to miss a show close to your home. I will be gone for a while; my daddy is back in the hospital and pretty sick. So, I will not be home nor on the internet for a while. Make sure you keep checking Aaron's Tour Schedule often, as I'm sure there will be more dates added. Also, check Pollstar.com; it's a really good source for tour dates.
Aaron Tippin And Fan Fair 2003
Per Aaron's Official Site, Aaron will be at Fan Fair this year. According to his site, he will be at several booths signing autographs. As of now, I don't know whether he will be performing, yet. So, make sure you check Aaron's site and the Lyric Street Records site for further details and updates.
C-YA on the road in 2003!  Eventually....
07 FEBRUARY 2003
Aaron Tippin ~ Online Articles Links
There have been lots and lots of online articles on Aaron Tippin during his long music career, especially recently. As you know, articles come and go on the internet. Some become outdated, some become casualties due to site revamping, some simply disappear. As promised last fall, I have recreated many Aaron Tippin articles and included a link to the original article and site homepage, if it is still available. I have recreated most, though not all, of the articles that are currently listed on my Aaron Tippin Online Article Links page; I have more to add. The articles are categorized by year, in descending order (most current listed first). Go to:
Aaron Tippin ~ Online Article Links
Newer articles will be recreated as they become available. I've also added a few articles that were previously online, but are no longer available. I have quite a few more to recreate and several to upload. Recreating the articles will ensure that they will remain available. Never too much Aaron Tippin info!  Enjoy....
C-YA on the road in 2003!  Eventually....
29 JANUARY 2003
Aaron Tippin ~ Wagon Wheel Theatre Concert
WOW! What a weekend! Saw two shows at the Wagon Wheel Theatre in Warsaw, IN. Great shows, as always. Aaron doesn't know how to do anything but great shows. Nice little venue with theatre, eats and motel in walking distance. It's also one of those venues that draws lots of long-time Aaron Tippin fans ; makes for a really fun time. Course, to make things interesting, before the second show, there were a few flurries. By the time the show was over, there was about four inches of snow. The next morning, it was worst, and in my case, followed by a rather long ride home between two storms fronts. Life is always an adventure.  Also, dropped the big lens for my camera (small one is OK, but not as good). It has been dropped several times before and survived, but this time it needs a proper burial. Consequently, I didn't get very many photos.
No new show, yet. It's supposed to be ready some time in February. With all that has been going on with Aaron and the guys lately, I would imagine it would be tough to find the time to plan and practice a new show. Every year, it doesn't seem like the show from the previous year can be topped, but Aaron and the guys never fail to outdo themselves. I, for one, am really looking forward to the new season. I do know there is some talk of a surprise this year, but we will just have to wait to see. Also, new merchandise should be available in a couple of weeks. I believe the merchandise sold at the shows will also be available from Aaron's site. I will keep you updated as I come across information. In the meantime, since this is my busy season, I will not see another show until March. I'm sure there will be many of you who will have the privilege of seeing the new show before I do. If you get the chance to see the new show and have the time, I would love to hear all about it.
C-YA on the road in 2003!  Eventually....
21 JANUARY 2003
Aaron Tippin ~ 2002 Concert Photos Update
I have finally finished scanning my 2002 Aaron Tippin concert photos (with the exception of one of the Muskingum Fair shows -- I have misplaced those photos and will add as soon as I find them). I wanted to finish the 2002 concert photos before the new 2003 tour season began. Check them out at:
2002 Concert Photo Link Page
I am still way behind on scanning 2001 Aaron Tippin concert photos. As time permits, I will continue to scan and post my 2001 Aaron Tippin concert photos. In addition, I have several photos from early 1999 that I need to add to this site. Those 1999 concert photos were originally posted to one of my earlier sites, which is no longer available. However, before I post them, I need to do some editing. Then, if I live long enough, I have quite a few photos from 1996-1998 that I need to scan and post. I also have a few photos from 1993-1995 that are already posted on my other site:
Aaron Tippin - You've Got to Stand For Something
Because the above site is subject to pop-ups (which I detest), I want to eventually move them to this site. However, the photos from 1993-1995 also need some editing.
Last, but not least, I have been toying around with some dynamic photo pages. I never cease to be amazed with what can be done with html coding. Merely type in words, save it and view magic! Anyway, the links listed below with take you to some of those dynamic photos pages. (I have another page which works great offline, but will not work in my browser online. If I can get it to work, I will add it.) Each uses six photos of Aaron that I took at the Grand Ole Opry on 21 Dec 2002. I hope you enjoy. Let me know what y'all think.
Dynamic HTML Conveyor Belt - Large This image slideshow scrolls the images as if on a 'conveyor belt.' As your mouse is moved over the images, the 'conveyor belt' pauses. This page uses fairly large images.
Dynamic HTML Conveyor Belt - Small Same as above, but with smaller images. As your mouse is moved over the images, the 'conveyor belt' pauses. Click on photo to view a larger image.
Dynamic HTML Manual Slide This image slideshow is manual. Clicking on either 'Previous Slide' or 'Next Slide' will generate another image. Each click will continue to generate another image until the first or last image is reached. To continue, merely reverse your direction. I viewed this dynamic page in both Explorer and Netscape. In Explorer, the images changed rather dynamically; in Netscape, the images merely changed. I'm sorry, but I do not have access to WebTV, so I do not know how these pages work, or if they will work in WebTV.
C-YA on the road in 2003! 
03 JANUARY 2003
Aaron Tippin ~ Country Weekly Article, 21 Jan 2003
Check it out! Check it out! There is a really terrific article loaded with photos on Aaron in the current issue (21 Jan 03) of Country Weekly magazine. It's a 5-page article titled 'My Little Town' in which Aaron shows you around his "adopted hometown." He talks about his gunshop and what it like to live near Smithville, TN. Really, really great article.
Below is a sample of one of the photos included with the article:
Country Weekly ~ 21 Jan 03
Story Credits: Bob Paxmam
Photo Credits: Tim Campbell
Also, there is a nice photo on Aaron and Thea included with the article, 'Working It Out' (pg 22). Then, check out pg 58 to see if there is anyone you recognize.... Really a great Country Weekly issue that you will not want to miss! Discovered all this while browsing through the most current issue (21 Jan 03), standing in line at my local Walmart waiting to check out! ~Chuckle~
C-YA on the road in 2003! 
02 JANUARY 2003
New Tour Schedule Posted With Venue Information
Added the new tour dates (per Aaron's Official Site) to my Aaron Tippin Tour Schedule. I was able to locate quite a few (unfortunately, not all, as of yet) phone numbers and website addresses. Since it is so early in the season, several of the websites are not yet updated, but hopefully will be in the near future. If you have any info to add, I would appreciate really it. Often in the past, I have been alerted by fans about upcoming tour dates close to their home. Thanks.
In regards to my Aaron Tippin Tour Schedule, I have decided to add a second link to a tour schedule with a light background. From what I understand, light backgrounds with dark print are easier to read than dark backgrounds with light print. So, in addition to my usual tour schedule with a dark blue background, I have added a second link for the one with the light background. Information is identical on both links. Let me know what ya think.
Aaron Tippin Tour Schedule - Original Dark Blue Background
Aaron Tippin Schedule - New Light Background
And, hope to see y'all on the road this upcoming tour season! I know I'm ready already.... ~Chuckle~
C-YA on the road in 2003! 