24 JUNE 2001
Country Weekly:
Make sure you get the 10 July 2001 issue of Country Weekly Magazine. There is a really terrific article with some really great photos of Aaron and his family. I am assuming this is the magazine issue Lyric Street was referencing a few months ago. You do not want to miss this issue. It has a full-page photo of Aaron with his newest treasure, Thomas Aaron, a couple of great family photos, and one that I just love: Aaron walking with his two boys.
Aaron has truly found his purpose. This is a man with the serene look of contentment. To quote the Aaron from the article:
"I definitely want to stay at home more these days. It's tough to get me away from the house now."
Aaron Tippin Merchandise:
Make sure you stop and see Bill at the next show you attend. There is some really great new merchandise:
* 'Kiss This' Tank Top *
* Aaron Tippin 2001 Tour T-Shirt *
* Aaron Tippin Baseball Cap *
* 'Kiss This' License Plate *
* 'Kiss This' Frog *
C-YA on the road!!

02 JUNE 2001
Wedding Photos:
Check out Aaron's Official Site! There are a couple of really terrific wedding photos: one of Aaron and Charla and one of the new Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith. To view the photos, go to: Whats Hot.
Tour Schedule:
I've added a few shows to the Tour Schedule (per Pollstar). Tickets are on sale now for at least one of these shows, the Executive Inn in Owensboro, KY. Also, tickets have gone on sale for the Iowa State Fair.
June Calendar:
I've finally added my Aaron Tippin June Calendar. In honor of Father's Day, I included a photo of Aaron with Teddy that I took in Spartanburg, SC. Since June is also Fan Fair month, I included all the dates of Aaron's Fan Club parties. Enjoy.
Funstuff and Games:
Under Tippin Tidbits, I've added a Love Test Just For Fun you might enjoy. Just enter your name and the name of a celebrity (Aaron ~ Chuckle) to see how compatible your are. Actually, you can enter anyone's name. Thought it was kind of fun. Make sure you read the caveat.
I will be adding another game in a day or so. Be sure to look for it. Enjoy.
New Concert Photos:
Thought I'd let ya know. I will soon be adding some new concert photos. I've done enough playing around with the games. Back to work. Chuckle.
C-YA on the road!!

22 MAY 2001
I have added some jigsaw puzzles to my site, with the one and only's photos, of course. These puzzles are the coolest puzzles I have run across! They are real simple to use and allow for a variety of skill levels. You can change the number of pieces or the overall shape, really neat. So far I have added three puzzles with concert photos from 1999, 2000, and 2001. Enjoy and let me know what ya think. To access my Aaron Tippin Jigsaw Puzzles, click on:Aaron Tippin ~ Jigsaw Puzzles. To find these puzzles on my site, click on Aaron Tippin Tidbits, then Aaron Tippin Jigsaw Puzzles. If you would like to set up some puzzles on your own, go to: JigZone.com. They are real easy to set up.
Charla and Kenneth's Wedding:
I asked Aaron this past weekend how Charla's wedding went. He told me it was a really special, touching ceremony on the top of a South Carolina mountain, with the sound of thunder in the background at just the appropriate moments. Seems as if this union was attended and blessed by God, himself. I know we all wish them the best as they begin this next chapter in their lives together.
Fox Theatre, Harford, CA:
The Fox Theatre is one of those neat old ornate theatres. Needless to say, the show was dynamite, as always. Found out a bit of history that I think is pretty interesting: The Fox Hanford Theatre is the one you see in the film, 'Back To The Future.' Across the street is the clock on the building you see in the film and the street in front of the theatre is the one that the DeLorean sped down. Kind of cool, felt like you were right there.
Konocti Harbor Resort, Kelseyville, CA:
When I went to see Aaron last year at Koncoti Harbor, it was February and cold and overcast. What a change this year. It was bright and sunny and beautiful. The only drawback was the heat; it was 100 degrees (both days). In spite of the heat, this was one of the most cranked up shows I have seen this year, just wild. Aaron was all over the stage. I don't know how he does it, but Aaron just keeps getting better and better. He keeps saying he's getting old.... Phooey! He could give guys half his age a run for their money. Aaron is like fine wine, he just keeps getting better with age (I can make this reference because Konocti Harbor is near Napa Valley which is wine country. And yes, I sampled some of their wine, a Merlot. Hm-m-m-m-m, good. Course, I was told I crucified the wine; I wanted it cold. It's supposed to be drank at room temperature to get the full effect).
C-YA on the road!!

16 MAY 2001
Aaron's Official Site has been updated with some great new photos of Aaron's band, The Stemwinders. To access The Stemwinders Photo Links Page, go to: The Stemwinders. To view the new photos and access additional personal information for each band member, go to:
Mark Johnson
Kevin Gallian
Tim Goude
Ward Stout
Tim Grogan
Larry Nalley
There are also photos on Aaron's site of Aaron's crew, the guys in the background behind the shows. To access the Crew Photo Links Page, go to:
Aaron's Crew
To check out the each crew guy, go to:
Bill, the T-Shirt Guy
Tim, the Sound Guy
Steven, the Monitor Guy
Terry, the Lighting Guy
We sometimes forget that the great shows that Aaron puts on are a package deal with the band, the crew and those folks and families left behind at home so willing to share with us, the fans. Thanks guys. And, thanks to your families.
C-YA on the road!!

14 MAY 2001
Country Weekly, 29 May 2001:
Test your Aaron Tippin knowledge! The 29 May 2001 issue of Country Weekly has Aaron featured as the Trivia Quiz on page 56. I just know you will be able to answer all correctly.
For fun, I have decided to add an interactive Aaron Tippin Trivia Challenge of my own to this site that I thought you might enjoy. So far, I have six questions available with plans to add nine more. My Trivia Challenge is patterned after the ones CMT made available when Aaron was featured as the Showcase Artist of the Month in October 2000 and March 2001. To access my Aaron Tippin Trivia Challenge, click here: Aaron Tippin Trivia Challenge. In the future to access my Aaron Tippin Trivia Challenge, click on Aaron Tippin Tidbits (Index Page), then Aaron Tippin Trivia Challenge.
I was going to add links to the trivia questions from the Aaron Tippin Showcase Trivia offered by CMT, but it appears CMT has again revamped its site. Consequently, I do not know whether they are available any longer. At this point, I cannot locate those links, nor the links to Scrapbook Photos or the Jukebox. Shame.
C-YA on the road!!

07 MAY 2001
Capitol Music Hall:
Got to see Aaron this weekend at the Capitol Music Hall in Wheeling, WV. Capitol Music Hall is one of those wonderful old ornate theatre venues and one of my favorite places to go see Aaron. Needless to say, the show was dynamite. Again, make sure you are not late for the beginning of the show. There were tons of Aaron Tippin fans there that I have met many times before at shows. Made for a really fun night.
Interesting Note:
The show at Capitol Music Hall (Jamboree USA) was broadcast live. Jamboree USA has been broadcasting live over 50,000 watt AM 1170 - WWVA Radio since 1933. Fans from all over the eastern seaboard (18 states and Canada) have enjoyed tuning into the the live weekly radio show to hear their favorite country music artist perform on the world famous Jamboree stage. The second oldest country music program (next to the Grand Ole Opry), the Wheeling Jamboree endures as one of America's oldest live radio broadcasts and a proud American tradition. For a little background on Capitol Music Hall, click on: www.jamboreeusa.com.
Country Music Live, May 2001:
Looks like we might have an Aaron Tippin Christmas album to look forward to. What a holiday treat that would be! I ran across an article: 'Soundshop - Studios' Mike Bradley' in the May 2001 issue of Country Music Live. If you remember, Mike Bradley is one of the producers on the CD, People Like Us. According to the article:
"(Mike Bradley) is ready to begin producing
Tippin's Christmas album.
The two are also preparing to find songs for Tippin's next CD."
C-YA on the road!!
02 MAY 2001
I've decided not to wait any longer to add some 2001 Aaron Tippin concert photos. I've added a few from the show I saw in Winston-Salem, NC in February. I'm in the process of scanning photos from the shows in Columbia, SC, Spartanburg, SC, and Taylorville, IL. I still have some photos from the shows in 2000 I would like to add, but as this is already May 2001, I figured I would add the 2000 photos at some future date.....when I have time.
Needless to say, the show is really terrific this year. Very dynamic and fun, as always. Make sure you take the time to catch Aaron and the guys in concert when they come close to you.....or not so close. ~Chuckle.~ You will not be disappointed. And, enjoy the photos. There is no finer.
C-YA on the road!!